Saturday, July 12, 2014

Bled, Slovenia July 12

We had a very busy day today. We took a pletna boat over to the island of Blejski Otok in the middle of Lake Bled. There is a beautiful church there and gorgeous views. When couples get married the groom is supose to carry his bride to the top...something a bit less than a hundred steps!  

The boat is kind of like a gondola in Venice because it is only driven by a single rower, but here he rowed a big boat and about 20 tourists. They do not allow motors on the lake so it is very peaceful. We had a women on board who is from Slovenia and sang songs for is. It was very cool!

Next we drove up to bled castle - Blesjski Grad. We didn't tour the castle just looked around a outside.

Then we headed an hour away to the Postojna Caves. Theses caves where amazing. We were underground, I think, just under 500 feet- not sure. We saw about 3 miles of caves filled with stalagmites and stalactites. One was the oldest in the world. Very beautiful. Paige couldn't believe her eyes. She loved it! We went in and out by train.

So, Susan, the non-combative person she is, surprisingly almost punched a couple people today. We were looking at a creature in an aquarium who lives in caves. There were a group from an un-named nationality who were pushing us so hard against the glass to get to the front that we couldn't leave to give them room. And of course, here is my 5 ft small daughter being I came darn close to smacking, stomping or something..instead I yelled, but I was really for a physical altercation...can you believe that?

But, something very cool happened, we saw a wedding party dancing together and then lead a procession to the wedding ceremony itself. This is actually the third bride and groom we have seen: one in Paris, Germany and now Slovenia! It is interesting that we see much less smiling here...maybe bad teeth?

So many visual delight everywhere we go. I'm glad I take so many pictures because I'd never remember what we have seen.

Next we took a quick drive over to see Predjama Castle (Predjamski Grad) I don't know any of the history but it is something I've always wanted to see. Again, no tour, just seeing it from the outside. But it was beautiful!

Bart has continued to join us here in Slovenia, but he has avoided the camera. He has been our annoyance as well as our buddy.

Since hitting Germany there have been no washclothes in sight...guess they don't use them here.

We have seen this many places in Europe but it still amazes us- in villages right on the public street are statues of Jesus. We also see murals painted on buildings that are bible scenes.

We ended our long day with a nice always. Aren't we getting tired of eating out EVERY MEAL?..... NO WAY! .....Not a chance!

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