Saturday, December 21, 2019

July 28, 2019 Wicklow Mountains

A beautiful morning to start our first full day.




First we headed to Powerscourt Estate Gardens.


Gotta love the bathroom signs in Europe!

Next we planned to head to Glendalough with a drive over Sally's Gap along the way.  What an incredibly gorgeous place and driving was also quite the experience!!




We drove into a small village and decided to take a walk thru town and into the village church.


We have all heard how you need to look right when crossing the street in England, Ireland, and Scotland, right?  Well, it didn't occur to me that you also need to do that when getting into the passenger side of a parked car.  Monte thought for sure I was a goner, on the first day of our trip!

Luckily, I lived and we were off to Glendalough, an Early Medieval monastic settlement founded in the 6th Century.  I was shocked by how crowded the parking was.  It was a Sunday, and I know it's a tourist site, but still surprising.  And, then no one was there.


It was interesting for a short visit, then as we were headed back to the car we saw people walking along a path.  We decided to join them and discovered a wonderful hike to a lower lake and an upper lake.  Now we know why the parking lot was so crowded!  It is full of locals enjoying the warm sunny Sunday hiking and picnicking.






A very full and fun first day!  Our favorites: Sally's Gap and the hike near Glendalough.

Back to the same pub, and the owner ushered us to table like we were a local.




My sneaky photos of the locals, and our delicious food. Yum!!

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